
January 20, 2017
जल्‍लीकट्टू को बैन किए जाने के विरोध में शुक्रवार चेन्नई में सुबह से लेकर शाम तक 12 घंटों का बंद है। स्कूल कालेजों से लेकर बाज़ार कारोबार और निजी दफ्तर आज जल्‍लीकट्टू के समर्थन में बंद है। जिन लोगों ने जल्लीकट्टू के प्रतिबंध का विरोध किया है उनमें फिल्मी हस्तियां और दलगत राजनेता हैं। शुक्रवार को ऑस्कर विजेता संगीतकार एआर रहमान ने प्रतिबंध के खिलाफ एकजुटता दिखाते हुए एक दिन का उपवास रखा...
January 5, 2017
बॉलीवुड निर्माता-निर्देशक और फराह खान के पति शिरीष कुंदर से एक ट्विटर यूर्जर ने उनके बच्चों के धर्म पर सवाल पूछा तो शिरीष ने ऐसा जवाब दिया कि सबकी बोलती बंद हो गई और सोशल मीडिया पर हुई खूब वाहवाही। दरअसल, शिरीष नेफराह खान के साथ बच्चो का फोटो ट्विटर पर अपलोड किया और केप्शन में शीरीष ने लिखा “ग्रैंड कैन्यन पर फख्र से पोज़ करता हुआ मेरा परिवार, मुझे वक्त का कोई अंदाज़ा नहीं है। पता...
December 30, 2016
As early as January, when David Bowie departed the scene, some were already looking dubiously at 2016. Bowie was an icon of the 1970s, the era when what is now the dominant section of the population in most Western societies in terms of spending power – the post-war baby boomers – came to maturity. As more cultural legends from that age also died – many without the last burst of...
December 27, 2016
In Varanasi, the Hindu holy city, members of the Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Jain and Hindu communities exchanged greetings. The Kashi Qaumi Ekta Manch or United Forum of Communal harmony of Kashi/Varanasi was behind this exceptional event. This inter-faith group is dedicated to developing a climate of dialogue and reconciliation among the city’s various communities. "For 16...
December 21, 2016
A professor of Russian in the Department of Foreign Languages at Shivaji University in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Megha Pansare ostensibly leads a quiet life. She is the President of the District Council of the National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) in the state of Maharashtra. She is also a noted activist and the daughter-in-law of Comrade Govind Pansare. But most importantly, a year ago, she...
December 17, 2016
The Supreme Court was not addressing any larger questions on religion in public space, or how to regulate it. There has been a bit of a buzz about the Supreme Court judgement in the case of Mohammed Zubair and Aftab Ahmad, servicemen in the Indian Air Force who were discharged from service for sporting beards. Three things need to be clarified: First, they sported the beards in...
December 6, 2016
First Published on September 5, 2016 Mahant Lal Das, Head Priest of the Ram temple Ayodhya and Baba Gyan Das, mahant of the Hanumangarhi temple at Ayodhya. Both unusual head priests, or Sadhus in this day and age of politicised religion. Mahant Lal Das                       ...
November 29, 2016
The Gujarat HC permitted a 19-year-old Hindu girl to live-in with her Muslim boyfriend, who is just 20 years old and is currently ineligible for marriage. According to the case details, the boy and girl studied together in school and were in love since their school days.   In a case not unusual for India’s syncretic and plural society, the Gujarat High Court permitted a couple...
November 26, 2016
  Today at the stroke of the midnight hour, thanks to the collective efforts of the Sabrangindia Team and the never dying support of friends, comrades all, Sabrangindia turns one.  November 26, Constitution Day. This was a re incarnation of Communalism Combat, a print magazine born out of the fires of hatred, and our commitment to real, meaningful journalism alive between 1983...
November 25, 2016
While most of the Middle East is gripped with turmoil, terrorist attacks or displacement of both Muslim and non-Muslim residents due to military conflicts, Iranian Christians are smoothly making preparations for Christmas in over 300 churches across the country. All of the churches in Iran, which amount to 300, are going to celebrate Christmas in the coming weeks, Saeed Taqavi, an official...