The Babri Masjid 1528 Question 2003
ISBN Number:
Published Date:
Saturday 4th October 2003 Asia/Kolkata
A Matter of National Honour - Volume 1
The Babri Masjid Question, 1528-2003: `A Matter of National Honour' is a compilatioin by A.G. Noorani, in two volumes, of primary source material on various aspects of the Ramjanmabhumi-Babri Masjid dispute. The documents, chronologicallly arranged under thematic chapete heads and covering historical, archaeological, legal adn political ground, clearly reveal why and how an issue that had been settled in teh nineteenth century.
About Author :
A.G.Noorani is Advocate, Supreme Court of India. He is a regular columnist in Hindustan Times, Frontline and Economic and Political Weekly. He is the the author of The Muslims of India: A Documentary Record, 1947-2000(2003), Islam and Jehad(2002), Savarkar and Hindutava.
Publisher: Tulika Books
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 8185229899
EAN: 9788185229898
Publish Date: 2012-1-1
Language: English
The Babri Masjid Question, 1528-2003: `A Matter of National Honour' is a compilatioin by A.G. Noorani, in two volumes, of primary source material on various aspects of the Ramjanmabhumi-Babri Masjid dispute. The documents, chronologicallly arranged under thematic chapete heads and covering historical, archaeological, legal adn political ground, clearly reveal why and how an issue that had been settled in teh nineteenth century.
About Author :
A.G.Noorani is Advocate, Supreme Court of India. He is a regular columnist in Hindustan Times, Frontline and Economic and Political Weekly. He is the the author of The Muslims of India: A Documentary Record, 1947-2000(2003), Islam and Jehad(2002), Savarkar and Hindutava.
Publisher: Tulika Books
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 8185229899
EAN: 9788185229898
Publish Date: 2012-1-1
Language: English