
Summary: The author explores the rich world of everyday talk—in families, with children, between friends, at the work place—and shows the significance of this domain of social activity for an understanding of culture.
Published Year - 2004
235 pages - Preview

Language - English
Author: Nandita Chaudhary
Summary: Summary The Revolt of 1857 is being increasingly recognized
as one of the major events of the nineteenth century,
a turning point in the history of imperialism.

Language - English
Author: Shireen Moosvi
Summary: SAGE Publications, 2003 -
309 pages
Language - English
This book examines the many facets
of communalism and its growing
threat to Indian society.
Author: Ram Puniyani
Summary: Constructing Reality From Everyday Talk

Listening to Culture explores the rich world of everyday talk―in families, with children, between friends, at the work place―and shows the significance of this social activity in the understanding of culture.

Author: Nandita Chaudhary
Summary: India with its extraordinary diversity is home to a very large number of languages, some very ancient, widespread and even international, others limited in area and numbers, but all part of the mosaic of Indian nationhood.
Author: Sumi Krishna
Summary: Shama Futehally, Githa Hariharan, Ranjan De PDF DOWNLOAD

Author: Githa Hariharan
Summary: The first edition of Human Rights: Questions and Answers, was published by UNESCO in 1981 and translated into many languages. It was then substantially redrafted and updated by taking into account recent developments in the field of human rights.
Author: Leah Levin
Summary: Physicians for Human Rights (U.S.)
Physicians for Human Rights,
1991 - 43 pages
Language - English
Author: Physicians for Human Rights (U.S.)