
March 16, 2016
In Arab countries, openly declaring a disbelief in God is a shocking and sometimes dangerous thing to do. Many have been imprisoned for it, some have been forced into exile and others threatened with execution. And yet, in a region where the influence of religion is almost inescapable, growing numbers are claiming a right to believe – or disbelieve – as they see fit. Social media...
March 11, 2016
Having chosen to be part of the sanghi lynch mob, Zee News has cast aside every pretense of journalistic ethics. Already in the dock for doctoring videos to aide the ABVP's sinister agenda of raising the bogey of 'anti-nationals' at JNU, in its ongoing witch-hunt it has found fresh targets in poet and scientist Gauhar Raza  and academic Nivedita Menon. Reproduced below is the...
March 7, 2016
  देश की सबसे पवित्र किताब यहां का संविधान है। यह किताब इसलिए पवित्र है क्योंकि यह हमें इस बात की आज़ादी देती है कि हम गीता, कुरान, बाइबिल या गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब जैसी अनेक किताबों में से जिसे चाहें, उसे पवित्रतम माने। हम अपनी धार्मिक किताबों के तथाकथित सम्मान के लिए आये दिन सड़क पर लाठी, तलवार और त्रिशूल भांजते रहते हैं। लेकिन क्या इस देश में संविधान के अपमान से कभी किसी की भावना आहत होती है...
February 25, 2016
The country witnesses its first experience governance in Shivaji’s swarajya. It was not supported by education the country remained impoverished intellectually. One dimension of the nation was strengthened by practical experience. Those who had become impoverished and were insignificant started performing miraculously heroic deeds. The Brahmins subsisting on alms turned into statesmen;...
February 25, 2016
  NATIONAL CONVENTION Muslim Auraton ki Awaaz: Sadak se Sansad tak Dear Friends and Comrades, Let us all gather in the national capital on 27th and 28th February 2016 to demand the fundamental rights to life, dignity, equality and non-discrimination, for freedom of religion and expression for Muslim women. Let us bring together the visions and struggles of women’s movements,...
February 25, 2016
First Published on: April 1, 2004 Towards impartial education Education is fertile ground for transformation and, equally, a potent tool for breeding bigots. A study of science, literature, the arts, theology and history the world over reveals in equal measure both human tendencies. For us South Asians, born on a terrain that is uniquely diverse – where pluralism is at once...
February 23, 2016
Dear friends,  We, the alumni of the University of Hyderabad, are writing to the fellow teachers, researchers and students of Delhi to request all to participate in the Chalo Dilli March, "Delhi for Rohith Vemula", organised for the ideals of social justice and constitutional rights on 23 February 2016 from Ambedkar Bhawan to Jantar Mantar.  We are making this appeal...